We suggest checking your account and/or contacting your bank to make sure there are sufficient funds in your account. Make sure you are entering the credit card’s CVV code and billing information correctly. Make sure your billing name, address and phone number matches that of the credit card used for payment. If you're placing an order with a card issued outside of the U.S., please give us a call and we can place an order over the phone for you! If none of these work, please text us at 413-992-6436 or submit a request here!
Articles in this section
- Care Package FAQs
- How Do I Remove Peel & Stick Wallpaper?
- How do I attach my duvet insert to my duvet cover?
- Do you have gift cards?
- How should I hang my Wall Prints?
- Applying Removable Wallpaper
- Is Temporary Wallpaper fire retardant?
- Something I want is out of stock, will you restock?
- How can I calculate how many rolls of temporary wallpaper I will need?
- How can I contact your PR or Marketing Teams for a non-customer request?